All machinery and equipment at a factory should be properly labelled; a sophisticated system makes documentation and stock-taking easier. And it’s important to ensure that this labelling can be created quickly. It also needs to accurately show the necessary data, and be long-lasting. This is how simply type/stock labels can considerably boost efficiency. mowitec offers its customers a personalised labelling service.
mowitec has specifically purchased a special labelling system to aid the continued production of Lenze shaft-mounted gear units. This system uses laser technology to generate clearly legible, abrasion-proof labels. And this machine is now also being used in all other product areas, because clean labelling is appreciated by our staff and customers alike. In addition to type labels or stock labels, metal tools are among the other things that can also be labelled.
We also enable our customers to use the system for their own equipment and machinery:
- Retrospective labelling of machinery in stock
- Documentation of equipment or machinery
- Inventories: Adding inventory numbers to type labels

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